Saturday, October 18, 2008

Friday Knight Dry/MidKnight Madness

Last night two fun programs took place on campus - even though their names are a little cheesy, they were both successful and well attended.

The first event, Friday Knight Dry, was very similar to the same event that I wrote about last semester - the event encourages students to stay sober on a Friday night by having a ton of campus events and rewarding attendance with play money and a late night auction with that money. My roommate Kendra and I went to a 9 hole Halloween-themed hallway mini golf course in Ryan Hall, a dance party in Canterbury Hall, a Carnival in Pontigny Hall and a concert featuring Sleepless Knights and Mike Check (our two a capella groups on campus, Sleepless Knights is co-ed and Mike Check is an all male group). Around 11 the auction took place with one of the nurses from health services as the auctioneer - she's actually a certified auctioneer! Kendra and I managed to get $3000 between the two of us (and a few donations from friends that we met up with), but most things were going for a little more than that - I think a lot of people took advantage of the Friday Knight Dry Kasino and got a ton of money...Even though we didn't win anything, we had a great time!

After the auction was over, most of the people headed over to the gym for MidKnight Madness, which is the first time that the basketball teams can officially practice for their upcoming season. SMC has made an event out of this for the past few years encouraging people to come to the gym at midnight by giving away free pizza and drinks, having a DJ and having lots of prizes. They were giving out t-shirts (I won one!) and also drawing raffle tickets to have students come out onto the court for a variety of contests both with and without the players. Overall it was a successful event and a ton of people went!

Now playing: Jason Mraz - I'm Yours
via FoxyTunes

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